from the living
nature of Amazonia


A well-modulated intestinal flora is the prerequisite for holistic well-being.

Whether immune system, metabolism, heart, intestinal health, psyche - only an intact microbiome can prevent neurostress and chronic diseases.

From the living nature of Amazonia.


6 Fruit and 4 Plant Extracts

The extracts composed according to indigenous recipes and scientific knowledge help the intestine to perform its function


Dietary fiber is the housecleaning of the intestine and a prerequisite for good digestion

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera ist bekannt für ihre beruhigenden und entzündungshemmenden Eigenschaften


Only a well-modulated microbiome ensures holistic well-being and a good mood

Gut-Brain Axis

90 percent of nerve signals go from the intestine to the brain - only 10 percent from the brain to the intestine

Good and bad Intestinal bacteria

... there is actually no such thing. The diversity and modulation of bacteria in the microbiome is crucial


  The 24 Day Cure
2 x 500ml

€ 279.00

2 x Janiser®

The 24 Day Cure for couples
4 x 500ml

€ 498.00


1 x 500ml
   as a refresher after taking antibiotics

€ 145.00
inkl. Mwst

Natural Origin

Our nutrients, active ingredients and bacterial cultures are obtained exclusively from plant sources and in bioactive liquid form. The plants are from pesticide-free cultivation.

Laboratory Tested Quality and Production According to GMP

Die Herstellung erfolgt in unserem Partnerlabor in Kolumbien unter GMP Bedingungen. Das Janiser® und andere Janiser® Produkte werden in der Schweiz auf ihre Reinheit geprüft.


Janiser® und alle anderen Janiser® products are manufactured without chemical additives and with gentle extraction methods. They are free from genetic engineering and pesticides.


Dank der Kooperation von ganzheitlichen indigenen Heilern, einem Stab von begabten Pharmazeuten und erfahrenen Medizinern kommt die einzigartige Rezeptur von Janiser® ohne Pasteurisierung und Konservierungsstoffe aus. Sie bleibt ungekühlt im Bereich von 5°C bis 25°C für 24 Monate haltbar.


We use only vegan products and sustainably grown raw materials. Buying directly from local producers in Colombia and Ecuador allows us to constantly monitor cultivation and production methods. We use environmentally friendly packaging made of glass and recycled cardboard.


Why should I take probiotics? What can I expect from taking them? Here we have collected and evaluated important facts about probiotics for you.

I have tried a lot of things. Janiser was the best I ever got for my bowels.
Prof. Frank H.



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Why should I take probiotics? What can I expect from taking them? Here we have collected and evaluated important facts about probiotics for you.


I have tried a lot of things. Janiser was the best I ever got for my bowels.
Prof. Frank H.


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