ANTIBIOTICS: Together, "anti" and "bios" (ancient Greek) make up the word "antibiotics," which can be translated literally as "against life" or "against living organisms." This reflects the ability of antibiotics to inhibit the growth or multiplication of bacteria or or to kill them.
"In summary, our study showed that antibiotic exposure, number of antibiotic administrations, timing of exposure, and specific antibiotic classes were associated with risk for eight major chronic childhood diseases.
I've shown you that antibiotics have long-term effects on metabolism and immunity, that the effects are due to disruption of the microbiome, and that other factors of modern life also contribute to the potential for the effects to be passed on to the next generation, and that it's imperative that we find and implement solutions to this problem."
Professor Dr. Martin Blaser, 2021
PROBIOTICS: Together, "pro" (Latin) and "bios" (ancient Greek) make up the word "probiotics," which can be literally translated as "for life" or "for living organisms." This reflects the idea that probiotics are living microorganisms that support the body in a positive way, regulating the health and balance of the intestinal flora and thus promoting overall human well-being.
Many indigenous tribes in South America incorporate legumes, vegetables, fruits and herbs into their diets. They prepare them in tinctures and juices in a way in which they ideally complement each other. Behind this is a knowledge passed on from mouth to ear about the existence of the plant's own substances. For many indigenous peoples, these are the expression of the pure life force of Mother Earth, the Pacha Mama. They honor plants that carry probiotic microorganisms and promote good digestion, just as the rest of the world values gold, silver or diamonds.
Without knowing it, they probably developed the first functional organic drinks in the world. They always blended herbal extracts from plants, fruits, vegetables and legumes.
The special thing in all these plant juices: they were produced in harmony with nature.
Because they wisely combine probiotic plant fibers and live microorganisms that contain probiotic bacilli. Just as indigenous people believe in the eternal power of nature, the eternal transformation and transformation of all life, they attach immeasurable importance to the human gut.
For them, the digestive tract is the cradle of human life, because in it man digests all that happens to him, what he experiences, what he feels, hears, sees and speaks. Thus, for many primitive peoples, environment is not something distant outside of man. No, man himself is his environment. The ancient principles of the wise aborigines therefore advise people to bring their inner universe into balance. The intestine is part of this inner universe and it is necessary to keep the intestinal flora in balance.
Since 2014 in Colombia, since 2023 also in Germany, Austria and Switzerland
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